Saturday, March 9, 2013

Look! I'm posting! Pat me on the back.

I'm currently sitting in a hotel room in Katy, Texas... the husband is out doing pastor-y stuff for tonight's wedding and I've enjoyed sitting lazily in my pajamas after eating an amazing breakfast in my room.

As you may have seen on Facebook, we celebrated SEVEN years of marriage on Monday and while the intention was to come down a day early this weekend and go to Galveston for a night- things came up and got in the way (such is life) and we decided that perhaps we should wait and come down another weekend.

That didn't stop us however from heading out at 3 am yesterday morning. We've done that a few times, headed out at an obscene hour- and have had the best time! Hardly anyone is on the roads and it's nice to be able to chat and sing along to music, together. Is it smart? Eh, probably not.

It makes you closer as a couple, in those hours of lack of sleep delirium... when one can admit that back in elementary school, the discovery that closing one eye - then closing the other, was mind blowing. (Yeah, it was me.) But come on... don't you remember that too? That magical moment when you discover you can "move" things, with just the closing of your eyes? No? Just me? Those crickets you hear are the same response I got from my husband, but I'll claim it's because he was tired. I've always been easily entertained.

Nonetheless, we decided to have lunch in Galveston and hang out around there for a few hours. Galveston is not the prettiest beach by far. There is nothing special about it at all, but still, it's one of my favorite local destinations. I've gone many, many times growing up and Chris and I have been several times together. We know the area pretty well and enjoyed seeing the new things that have popped up (the Pleasure Pier) since we last were there, pre-Hurricane Ike.

We tried The Spot, as we had never been there and enjoyed some cold beers, a hamburger for me, and a shrimp po-boy for Chris...among lots and lots of feathered friends! Pigeons and crows just circled us and waited on chairs and tables for a small scrap to be thrown. One bird quite brazenly took a waffle fry from Chris's plate! It was a bit windy, but relaxing.

After we finished, full and happy, we decided to go to the drive-on beach down the road. Several other Spring Breakers had the same idea, but we found a spot down the beach, pulled up close to the water, rolled the windows down, leaned the seats back, and took a short nap. (We were exhausted!) What a relaxing cat nap it was! I could listen to the sound of the waves all the time and feel the crisp ocean breeze!

I didn't want to leave!

Some other photos from the past week:

We bought husband a new white shirt, an awesome tie, new pants, and this handsome black suit jacket!  Here he is 'modeling' the complete outfit for me. Dapper!

When you see a hot pink octopus  ring... you buy it. Excuse the I'll forever be a 5 year old painting of my right hand's fingernails.

He seriously wanted to wear this out in public. PUBLIC. 
Aaaaaand, to round off this post, enjoy my Easter Decorations around my casa and the food and set up of March's BUNCO at my house.

That I hosted on Monday, March 4th.

Our Anniversary.

Where I made husband do a lot of the work for me.

And then kicked him out for the night.

...because I'm a horrible wife.