Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Chris: The Casket Hunter

We've had a busy couple weeks. Chris has 'started' a new job and they've been waiting on a title change. The truck was purchased at Friendly Chevrolet. Friday- he went all I Spy out in Fort Worth trying to find a truck (with a load) that had been stolen from their company. Friday and Saturday, we also helped out for a funeral service at the church.

...have I ever mentioned Chris talks in his sleep?

He does. Not all the time (that I hear anyways) but often relives his day or week. Sometimes it's random occurrences, others no so much. When he was a detention officer, he'd come home and yell at inmates in his sleep. Another time, I was in a Madonna mood and had been listening to The Immaculate Collection CD quite a bit, which infamously resulted in Chris sitting straight up in bed and saying "strike a pose" before falling back onto his pillow.

I wish I could remember all the things he's ever said and done. I wish I had written them down... but, better late than never, right? So instead of TELLING you... how about I show you?

This is me... asleep, with Moondoggie.

Heh? Wha? What's going on?

He was sitting up in bed, leaning against the headboard. So excited...

(It's best to indulge him...) you know why I told you the background up top, eh?

...and a slight pause...
He knocks, with his knuckle on the headboard. SO EXCITED.
Seriously... what  DO you say to that?

...waiting for more...

Nothing? No? Just cool?

Insert sad face and slink down onto his pillow.

Rollover and pout.

...okay, I'll bite... maybe he'll tell me more?

Yeah, we're done here.